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Have you considered opening a sober living home of your own? While it can be an incredibly rewarding experience, it can also be overwhelming and leave many confused about where to start. That is exactly why we offer Sober Living Consulting services to help aid future business owners with setting up their organization, creating a sustainable business plan, and ongoing home management.


One Hour Consultation

  • Take the first steps towards creating your own unique program
  • Get valueable insights from industry experts
  • One Hour Consultations are $250

For additional information on the services we provide, please contact us at or 614-738-3484

Starting a Sober Living Company / Organization

  • Providing guidance through the LLC/Partership/Non-Profit stages
  • Applying for 'Reasonable Accommodation' (this will vary depending on location)
aspire sober living logo

Real Estate & Site Location Analysis

  • Our team will research your proposed site location and conduct a feasibility study on proximity to treatment facilities (both Inpatient & IOP treatment facilities), nearby AA/NA meetings, public transportation and work opportunities conducive to sobriety
  • Checking local zoning and compliance regulations

Creating a Business Plan

  • Our staff will provide assistance in the development and budgeting stages of your program
  • Building out a financial model that accounts for future growth with ROI forecasting
  • Number of paying beds
  • Creating a set of program rules and expectations
  • Additional start-up costs
  • Insurance coverage assessments to ensure you're thoroughly protected
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Implementing the Business Plan

  • Intake policies and procedures
  • Partnering with local treatment centers and facilities
  • Marketing efforts with outreach to local businesses in your area to help build community engagement and employment opportunities
  • Additional referral resources
  • Website design
  • Supplemental marketing materials

House Manager & Staff Training

  • Creating and implementing a customized house manager training program designed to fit your specific needs through proven methods
  • De-escalation and communication techniques
  • Additional training for MAT friendly programs (medication assisted therapy such as Suboxone)
  • NARCAN (Naloxone) training
  • Additional services such as staff selection, including the interviewing and hiring process of potential staff members

About Guy Reeb

Several years ago, I left Ohio to come to Minnesota to attend treatment at Hazelden Betty Ford. After completing treatment, I was encouraged to look into sober living while attending IOP (Intensive Outpatient) at one of Hazelden’s step-down facilities. The decision to move into a sober living environment became one of the best decisions I could’ve made for my recovery.

I was able to learn how to lead a normal life without drugs & alcohol once again, alongside others who had the same goal in mind. It is now my mission to provide clean, safe, and welcoming sober living environments to help others maintain recovery from substance abuse.

For additional information on the services we provide, please contact us at or 614-738-3484